čtvrtek 2. září 2010

Let's start!

Here I prepare my new blogging space, where I woud like to share with you some my hand work products, cooking recipes and similar stuff, with which I deal in my free time. I don't want to describe all the techniques, which I use, because I think, that they are generally known. I only would like to show to my friends some results of my pain and give them some inspiration. If someone will need more detailed information how to do something, you can contact me and I will tell you how I ran on. Techniques, which I use, are very simple and also cooking recipes are quick, easy and cheap! It is something like reglection of my long "students life". So, please, take it like it is and don't be very critical to me and to my English, which I decided to use because of my foreign friends :).

Flowerpots created at our student's residence.

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